Frequently Asked Questions

Aren't compression socks and stockings just beige and black?

Today, stylish casual and dress compression socks and stockings are available in a variety of fibers like cotton, wool, spandex, and nylon. They come in bright colors, patterns, and prints. You will also find them in three lengths: knee-high, thigh-high, and pantyhose. You can choose from sheer and opaque. The options available are so beautiful and stylish, there's really no visible indication of their medical efficacy. You'll simply feel the benefits as you go through your day. Advances in research and design also mean that today's compression socks offer more performance features. You can buy socks that absorb and wick moisture, have antibacterial, odor-reducing properties, and provide irritation-free flat toe seams. Explore our portfolio on this site.

Who needs to wear compression socks and stockings?

Anyone who travels long distances in a sitting position or works a lot standing and sitting is at risk for leg complications. Wearing compression socks or stockings can help prevent these problems and will greatly increase your comfort along the way. Other signs to wear compression stockings, for which it is best to also consult a doctor, are the following: Poor blood flow in the legs, a known risk for blood clots, especially in the legs, a history/family history of deep vein thrombosis, long bed rests, for example after surgery and varicose veins or venous leg ulcers. Compression stockings are often used to relieve a minor issue, before it turns into a major one.


What is medical compression therapy?

The most beneficial compression socks are “graduated” as opposed to “uniform” in strength. Graduated compression socks are tighter at the ankle than they are at the top. The graduation helps push blood back up toward the heart, aiding in circulation.

Medical compression therapy consists of applying a type of elastic device to exert a controlled pressure. By compressing the leg, the sock or stocking squeezes the vein walls together, thereby improving overall circulation and supporting blood flow back to the heart.

In addition, it helps reduce swelling. Medical compression provides significant relief from leg pain, swelling and heaviness, and other vein symptoms.

Learn about Medical Compression Therapy


What are compression levels?

Compression stockings with relatively low compression levels (8-15 mmHg or 15-20 mmHg) can be purchased without a prescription over-the-counter at drugstores, medical supply stores, and on
Compression stockings with higher levels of compression (20-30 / 30-40 / 40-50 mmHg) are prescribed by doctors. The prescription will include the specific strength you need. By law, no prescription is required, but most pharmacies won’t dispense higher-level compression wear without a prescription.

Learn about compression levels

How to measure for my size?

The right size is important to get the right effect of compression and to promote your health and not harm it.

Shoe size is usually a factor in the sizing of compression stockings, as well as measurements of the ankle and calf. When measuring the ankle, measure at the thinnest point. For calf measurements, measure at the thickest point. For calf length, measure from the floor to the right-angle bend of the knee (in sitting position). It’s also best to take measurements as soon as possible after waking in the morning, when swelling is at a minimum.

Learn about compression levels

Is there a way to make putting them on easier?

Donning compression socks doesn’t have to be a daily struggle.

Yes, they’re snug. They’re supposed to be – that’s what makes them medically useful. But that’s also why it can be difficult to put on compression socks, especially over the heel and ankle. Unfortunately, when people get discouraged, they don’t wear them consistently – and the swelling in their lower legs and ankles tends to get worse rather than better.

Watch our videos to get the best hints, tips and accessories to put on and take off compression stockings