Happy Nurses Week 2024
enter to win one free pair of socks for 6 months
*No purchase necessary to enter. You may enter to win without purchase by filling out the form below. No special consideration is given to those who enter via purchase vs. those who enter without purchasing. One entry per household. Contest ends May 31, 2024. Winner will be selected June 3 and revealed on this page by first name, last initial, city, and state. The winner will be separately notified and coordination of product selection and shipping will be conducted directly with the winner.
Congratulations to Angela M.! She is the winner of our contest and will receive one free pair of socks per month for six months (and free shipping)!

Please note: after you use the 'Enter' button, pop up text will confirm your entry by thanking you for subscribing. You are not subscribing to our email list by using this form. You are only entering to win and giving us permission to contact you should you be selected.